Creating a branch in GitHub
1. On GitHub, navigate the main menu icon in the repository and click View all branches in the main drop-down menu.

2. After clicking View all branches in the drop-down menu,you will navigate to the new page. You then click New branch which is shown on the right top side of the webpage.

3. Enter the branch name in the Create a branch webpage. Then Click Create new branch button

4. A new branch is created.

Restoring a deleted branch in GitHub
You can delete a branch by clicking Branch in the repository page and select delete icon the branch page.

Now let’s see how we can restore the branch develop which just be deleted.
1. In the repository page, click the Activity which is in the right top side in the webpage.

2. In the Activity page, click Branch deletions in all Activity drop-down menu.

3. In the new page, click Restore Branch which is in the right side of the webpage.

4. Then the deleted branch is recovered.

GitHub is a powerful online platform. Many worldwide developers develop and maintain their code in GitHub. GitHub provides many intuitive UI tools. By understanding these tools, you can spend less time in maintaining code compared to executing complex and cumbersome Git commands.