
SQL SERVER Temporal Table

Temporal Table was added in SQL SERVER 2016. The primary feature of temporal table is to record a table’s history data. Temporal table will record every data that is added, updated or deleted in a table in any movement. The new version of EntityFramework Core also has some Temporal Table functions. Temporal Table primary has […]

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Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint. No server certificate was specified, and the default developer certificate could not be found

This is because .NET Core pre-set to using HTTPS protocol. If the certificate is not installed, this error will be reported. To resolve this issue, execute the following dotnet command. dotnet dev-certs https –trust When executing the dotnet command shown above, you might encounter the following error The current version of .Net I used in

Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint. No server certificate was specified, and the default developer certificate could not be found Read More »

Extract List or Array data from .NET Framework AppConfig or .NET Core AppSetting file

When a programmer writes code, he or she doesn’t want to have every specific custom data and settings in the code. Instead, they want to have those written in a configuration file. This article will introduce how to set an object list in .Net Framework App.config and .Net Core Appsetting.json respectively and also how to

Extract List or Array data from .NET Framework AppConfig or .NET Core AppSetting file Read More »

Deploy Angular App to IIS

Steps 1. Before deploying angular app to IIS, don’t forget to download IIS URL Rewrite module. This will solve Angular app’s route problems. 2. When you deploy angular app to IIS server, type the command below in cmd console ng build –base-href “/AngularTest/” –prod(you can use any other name other than AngularTest). If the command

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SQL SERVER has GENERATE SCRIPT command can export vendor’s database schema and data to the client’s SQL SERVER. Besides, GENERATE SCRIPT also provides various customized options. For example, you can check whether the client’s SQL Server already has the same schema table compared to the vendor’s. You can also choose whether you just want to


C# Record

After .net 5 came up, a new C# 9 mechanism called Record has drawn C# developer much attention. Record has both Reference Type and Value Type features. It is used to store data like struct, however as it is Reference Type, it has behaviors like encapsulate and inheritance. Hence we can use record to store

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Can’t Set Registry Key and Value, Want a solution?

Registry is windows built-in hierarchical database which stores computer system information. We can modify or insert registry value by hand-on or through programming language. For example in C#, we can use Microsoft.Win32.Registry to set Registry’s key and value,. However, sometimes we cannot Set Registry’s key and value perhaps due to permission problem. Another reason is

Can’t Set Registry Key and Value, Want a solution? Read More »